15 Habits of the RICH!

15 Habits of the RICH!
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Hello everyone! Remember to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications so you don’t miss the next video from 8X Invest Channel. This video will reveal to you 15 small habits of the rich that can change your life forever. If you find it helpful, don’t forget to share it with your friends!

From studies on the habits of the wealthy, researchers have discovered that small changes can lead to significant differences. Building major habits in life is challenging, and even harder to sustain major changes. But small habits are different, they are much easier to implement. Just by adopting these 15 small habits, your life will be completely different from 99% of others.

These habits are not too difficult to implement, but if you consistently practice them, they can bring significant changes in your energy, relationships, finances, work, and the community you live in. Let’s see how many good habits of the wealthy you already have!

First habit: Drink water in the morning, the secret to starting the day healthy.

Firstly, start your day with a glass of pure water. Do you often drink water right after waking up? Most of us don’t provide enough water for our bodies, and due to being busy throughout the day, hydrating is often forgotten.

Pure filtered water is the best choice. Instead of hastily opening the fridge and grabbing a can of soda to quench your thirst, cultivate the habit of drinking filtered water. Sipping on coffee or tea cannot replace the benefits of pure water.

To form this habit, place a bottle of filtered water in a visible spot. This helps you remember to drink water in the morning. Pure water helps detoxify the body, kick-start functions, and awaken you in a healthy way.

Here are some benefits of drinking water in the morning:

– Body detoxification: Water helps eliminate toxins accumulated in the body overnight.

– Improved digestion: Water stimulates the digestive system and supports bowel movement.

– Enhanced mental clarity: Water improves blood circulation to the brain, helping you stay focused and alert.

– Skin beauty: Water keeps the skin hydrated and healthy.

– Weight loss: Drinking water before meals helps you feel full and limits the amount of food consumed.

Start your day full of energy with a glass of pure water!


Second habit: Increase walking!

When do you usually walk during the day? Are you among the world’s most sedentary individuals? A sedentary lifestyle negatively impacts health, making us easily fatigued and lacking energy. To counteract this, take every opportunity to walk more.

If you drive, park further away from your workplace to walk a bit. When going up low-rise buildings, use the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk for exercise in the morning and take leisurely strolls in the afternoon. These simple activities can have great benefits for your body after a long day of sitting at work.

Walking not only makes you healthier but also helps relax and stimulate creativity in the brain. So how much walking is enough? The ideal goal is 10,000 steps per day.

How do you count steps? You can use your smartphone! Download a step-counting app from the App Store or Google Play. Or you can purchase a smartwatch for around $25. This watch will help you count steps, measure heart rate, and sync data with your phone every day.

Start today! Increase your walking to improve health and enhance the quality of life.


Third habit, focus on fruits and vegetables in every meal.

Instead of consuming a lot of rice, bread, increase the amount of green vegetables, salad, watermelon, strawberries, carrots, cucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes, and various other vegetables. Fruits and vegetables not only provide vitamins and nutrients but also contain fiber to regulate your body, maintain energy, and reduce hunger.

Reduce meat intake and increase plant-based protein. Supplement your diet with nuts, beans, peanuts, sesame seeds, and various other seeds. You can search on Google for “water-rich food” and “ancalife food” for more reference.

Here are some ways to apply this advice:

– Start meals with salad or vegetable soup.

– Add vegetables to stir-fries, stews, and curries.

– Choose fruits as desserts instead of sweet cakes or ice cream.

– Eat nuts and beans as snacks or side dishes.

By making these small changes, you can significantly improve your health and physique.


The fourth habit: Stand up and move every 25 minutes.

Have you noticed that sitting still for long periods makes you tired and lose focus? Try the Pomodoro technique!

Here’s how it works:

– Work or study intensely for 25 minutes.

– Take a short 5-minute break.

– Repeat the 25-minute work and 5-minute break cycle.

Each 25-minute cycle is called a “pomodoro.” You can set reminders on your phone or computer, or use a dedicated Pomodoro timer.

Sitting for long periods isn’t good for your body and mind. You need breaks for both mental and physical relaxation. It’s not difficult at all!

When you hear the reminder:

– Stand up in place.

– Stretch your arms overhead and take deep breaths.

– Touch your toes.

– Roll your shoulders and walk around.

– Take a sip of water.

Rest for 5 minutes and then get back to work.

The Pomodoro technique helps:

– Enhance focus.

– Improve work efficiency.

– Reduce stress.

– Enhance physical health.

Try applying the Pomodoro technique and feel the difference!

Some notes:

– You can adjust the Pomodoro time according to your personal needs.

– Use Pomodoro for tasks that require intense focus.

– Create a quiet and comfortable work environment for yourself.

Wishing you success!


The fifth habit: Remember to bring a bag of nuts!

Nuts are the perfect snack for Thursdays. They provide plant-based protein to keep you full longer, benefit your brain, and can even boost your metabolism and benefit your muscles. Most nuts contain Omega-3 and other nutrients that are good for the brain.

Personally, I enjoy nuts like peanuts, black sesame seeds, walnuts, and sunflower seeds. You can try different types of nuts to find your favorite.

Here are some benefits of eating nuts:

– Provides plant-based protein: Plant-based protein helps you stay full longer than animal protein, helping you better manage your weight.

– Good for the brain: Most nuts contain Omega-3 and other nutrients that are good for the brain.

– Boosts metabolism: Protein in nuts can help boost your metabolism.

– Good for muscles: Protein also helps build and maintain muscles.

Ways to enjoy nuts:

– Eat them directly

– Add them to yogurt or salad

– Make nut milk

– Grind them and mix into baking flour


– Eat nuts in moderation, not too much.

– Choose nuts with clear origins to ensure quality.

– Store nuts in a dry, cool place.


Habit 6: focus on asking open-ended questions rather than yes-or-no questions.

Skip judgment, criticism, or comparisons with others, as those are just your personal opinions. Instead of asking simple questions, try starting with “What do you think about…” or “Do you have any experience with…”. Then, listen to the answer with an open mind, ready to learn.

This open approach will help you:

– Connect with others more easily.

– Cultivate empathy and understanding.

– View your own issues from a new perspective.

– Expand your circle of friends and explore new approaches to life.

Imagine how much valuable life experience you could gather just from one positive conversation each week with those around you!

Here are some examples of open-ended questions you can use:

– Can you share more about…?

– What makes you…?

– Do you have any advice for…?

– Could you explain…?

– How do you feel when…?

Remember, the key is to listen carefully and show genuine interest in what others are saying. By doing so, you’ll build strong and meaningful relationships.


Habit 7: Take a few minutes each day for silence.

Have you ever tried meditation? If not, you don’t have to sit in the traditional meditation posture, cross-legged or with closed eyes. In fact, that can seem a bit complicated. Just be silent, do nothing, sit relaxed, and breathe for a few minutes to give your brain a break. If you can meditate, even better.

Here are some ways to practice this habit:

– Find a quiet place. Ideally, a place where you won’t be disturbed.

– Sit comfortably. You can sit on a chair, on the floor, or on a bed.

– Set a time. Start with 5 minutes each day and gradually increase the time as you get used to it.

– Focus on your breath. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose. Exhale slowly through your mouth.

– Let your mind wander. If you find yourself thinking, gently bring your focus back to your breath.

– Don’t worry if you can’t concentrate. Concentrating on your breath takes time and practice.

Benefits of taking time for silence:

– Reduce stress: Meditation helps reduce cortisol levels, the stress hormone in the body.

– Improve focus: Meditation helps you focus on the present moment and be less distracted.

– Enhance memory: Meditation improves memory and learning ability.

– Boost mood: Meditation helps reduce anxiety and depression.

– Improve sleep quality: Meditation helps you sleep better and deeper.

Taking a few minutes each day for silence is a simple yet effective way to improve your mental and physical health. Try incorporating this habit into your life, and you’ll feel the difference.


Habit 8: Write a journal before bed.

It sounds simple, but this Habit 8 can truly change your life!

Take a few minutes before going to sleep to jot down everything in your mind onto paper. This helps you unload your thoughts, organize your mind, and prepare for a good night’s sleep.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Prepare a notebook and a pen.
  2. Spend 5-10 minutes before bed to write down everything you’re thinking, worrying about, or want to remember.
  3. Write quickly, without worrying about editing or grammar.
  4. Write whatever you want, in any order.
  5. The goal is to free your mind and put everything on paper.

Secret tip:

You can watch the video “6 life-changing journals” to learn more about the benefits of journaling and effective techniques.

Try Habit 8 tonight and feel the difference!


– Keep the journal by your bedside for easy access before sleep.

– Use colored pens or highlighters to brighten up important ideas.

– Read what you’ve written in the morning to start the day with focus and energy.

Wishing you success!


Habit 9: Repeat an affirmation daily.

Have you ever heard about using positive thinking to create success? Create a simple, memorable affirmation for yourself to soothe stress and remind yourself of important things in life. This is a simple secret of the wealthy, helping them steer their minds in a more positive direction and deal with stress rather than letting it overwhelm them.

Read your affirmation out loud and reassure yourself that everything will be okay. Here are some examples of affirmations:

– “I will overcome this.”

– “I can learn what I need to learn.”

– “I am happy right now, I am completely free.”

– “I am stronger than anything.”

How to use affirmations:

– Choose an affirmation that resonates with you.

– Repeat the affirmation at least 10 times a day when you feel stressed or anxious.

– You can repeat the affirmation in your head or say it aloud.

– Try to focus on the meaning of the affirmation as you repeat it.

Benefits of using affirmations:

– Helps you stay calm and relaxed.

– Boosts confidence and self-belief.

– Helps you focus on positive aspects of life.

– Helps you overcome challenges and difficulties.

Try using an affirmation daily, and you’ll see the difference!


Habit 10: Borrow energy from successful people.

This method is also mentioned in Napoleon Hill’s famous book “Think and Grow Rich.” Did you know that everything is energy? When you face a challenging situation at work, a project full of obstacles, a new career milestone, or an important meeting, think about someone outstanding in that field.

Ask yourself what this person would do in your situation, how they would handle it, whether they would hesitate or be afraid, or if they would be confident and calm. Now, imagine yourself doing exactly what you think they would do.

This helps you eliminate negative doubt and focus more on the right actions.


Habit 11: Evaluate for 5 minutes each day.

Before ending your workday, take 5 minutes to jot down in your life-changing notebook.

Do you have this notebook yet?

Record what you’ve accomplished, what you planned but didn’t complete, and why you stopped. This helps your brain focus on the positives (“Today I completed this”) and helps you become more aware of factors causing distraction.

Don’t blame yourself for unfinished tasks. Instead, note why you gave up and acknowledge what you did achieve.

Here are some benefits of doing a 5-minute evaluation each day:

– Increase productivity: Helps you identify priorities and focus on the most important tasks.

– Reduce stress: Helps you become more aware of distraction factors and find solutions.

– Boost confidence: Helps you recognize your achievements and feel proud of what you’ve accomplished.

Try implementing this habit today, and you’ll feel the difference!


Habit 12: Turn off notifications to focus.

The twelfth habit: Turn off notifications from entertainment apps and social media for a certain period every day.


Our brains aren’t good at switching between tasks. Every time there’s a notification about new activity or messages from entertainment apps or social media, we can lose focus and waste up to 40% of work time. This isn’t worth it at all.

If you had endless time, it wouldn’t matter, but we all know time is precious. So, focus on your tasks and mute unnecessary distractions for a long enough period to complete your work.

How to do it:

– Identify the apps that distract you the most.

– Turn off notifications for those apps for a certain period each day, such as when you’re working or studying.

– Use “Do Not Disturb” or “Focus Mode” on your phone or computer.

– Let people know that you won’t be accessing their messages during this time.


– Increase focus and work efficiency.

– Reduce stress and anxiety.

– Have more time for more important tasks.

Try implementing Habit 12 and see how it impacts your life!


Habit 13: “I will check my schedule.”

Have you ever hastily accepted someone’s invitation and then regretted being overloaded with work? What’s the secret to avoiding this situation? Don’t rush to give an answer right away!

Instead of hastily saying “Yes,” say “I will check my schedule and let you know.”


  • You need time to evaluate each case. Are you really free to participate? Does this align with your priorities?
  • Saying “Yes” when you’re not truly free will only add stress and affect the quality of your work.
  • Instantly declining may hurt someone’s feelings.

So, say “I will check my schedule.”

  • This phrase gives you time to think and make a wise decision.
  • It also shows respect for others and their schedules.

And if you decide to decline, decline politely.

  • You can explain why you can’t participate.
  • You can also suggest an alternative solution if possible.

Better to disappoint upfront than disappoint later.

Remember, you have every right to decline invitations that you can’t accommodate.

Here are some examples of using the phrase “I will check my schedule”:

  • “Thank you for inviting me to dinner. I’d love to join, but I need to check my schedule first. I’ll let you know.”
  • “I really want to help you with this project, but I’m quite busy at the moment. I’ll check my schedule and let you know if I can participate.”
  • “I’m sorry, I can’t attend the meeting this Friday. I have another appointment at that time. Can I join at a different time?”

Use the phrase “I will check my schedule” to protect your time and priorities.


Habit 14: Visualizing the Journey to Achieve Dreams

Allocate five minutes each day to vividly imagine each step you will take to achieve your goals for your dreams or career. Albert Einstein once said, “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”

Visualizing the end result is good, but not strong enough to help you achieve your goals. When you imagine in detail each step of the journey to conquer your dreams, you will have the motivation and perseverance to pursue your goals to the end.

Moreover, this visualization will help you confidently accomplish tasks faster, be more creative in achieving your dreams, or great goals in life.

How to do it:

  1. Choose a specific goal: Choose a goal that you truly desire to achieve in your dreams or career.
  2. Visualize each step: Close your eyes and imagine each step you will take to achieve the goal. Imagine what you will do, where you will be, and how you will feel when you take each step.
  3. Feel the confidence: As you visualize each step, feel your confidence and determination in achieving the goal. Trust in your abilities and know that you can achieve anything you want.
  4. Repeat: Spend 5 minutes each day doing this visualization exercise. Repeating it will help reinforce your belief and motivation to achieve your goals.


Be creative in visualizing your journey. You can imagine yourself taking the steps, or you can imagine watching a movie about your journey.

  • Take notes on what you imagine. This will help you remember and reinforce your belief in your ability to achieve your goals.
  • Share your goals and journey with others. This will give you additional motivation and support from those around you.

The habit of visualization is a powerful tool to help you achieve your goals. Spend 5 minutes each day visualizing the journey to conquer your dreams, and you will see positive changes in your life.


Habit 15: Nurturing the Spirit of Generosity

Allocate a portion of your income to charitable activities or community funds. It might sound challenging, but in reality, just a small amount, from 5 to 10% each month, can make a difference for those less fortunate than yourself.


  • Community support: When you give, you contribute to building a connected and supportive community.
  • Helping those in need: A small amount of money can bring significant change to someone’s life.
  • Bringing joy to yourself: Giving brings happiness and fulfillment, making you feel that life is more meaningful.

How to start?

  • Consider your charitable goals. Who do you want to help? What are your goals?
  • Choose a reputable charity organization. Research thoroughly before donating.
  • Decide the amount you want to contribute. Start with a small amount that you can sustain.
  • Plan your contributions. Set up automatic payments or mark your calendar to ensure you contribute on time.

Start with small acts:

  • Help neighbors in need.
  • Donate to a charity organization you care about.
  • Buy a meal for someone experiencing homelessness.
  • Participate in volunteer activities.


  • Giving is endless. When you give, you not only help others but also benefit yourself.
  • The law of karma always operates. When you give, you receive good things in return.
  • Giving is a noble act. Spread the spirit of generosity to everyone around you.

Start today! Giving is a simple habit that can make a big difference. Let’s build a better world together.

8X Invest Channel wishes you wealth soon and looks forward to seeing you in the next videos.

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